Translation from English to Scottish. Built by Scots.

Aim: To be the largest, most relevant English to Scottish translator.

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Scotranslate is a user contributed community translation project.  Here's a quick run down of how it works. If you have any questions, e-mail us at

Visitors can search for translations the web, BlackBerry® PlayBook or Apple iPhone.

How English to Scottish translation works Scotranslate BlackBerry PlayBook Application

These services are both free of charge on the website. Our iPhone app carries a one off charge of 69p and BlackBerry PlayBook 99p. To use the PlayBook app, search Scotranslate on BlackBerry App World. To use the iPhone app, click here.

If a word or phrase isn't recognised by Scotranslate, it is submitted for user translation

Once a registered user clicks 'Start Translating', they will be presented with words and phrases at random, one at a time.

  • If the user sees a previous translation for this word/phrase that they agree with, they vote for it
  • Otherwise, they enter their own interpretation and press suggest

Once a word or phrase gets 5 votes, it will appear in the dictionary. If it's voted bad 5 times, it will be removed.

Users may vote only once for each word or phrase and both Suggestions and Translations count towards equally towards your total contribution.

Translation Screen

Users compete to be at the top of the Hall of Fame and can track previous translations

Last Translations to Scots Hall Of Fame for English to Scottish Translations

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