Translation from English to Scottish. Built by Scots.

Jock is a fan of Scotranslate


Here's what he had to say about it in a recent interview...

Ken thae folk oan telly, oan the news an that- ah cannae unnerstaun a wurd ae whit thur sayin', so ah cannae. Whiy can they no talk like we aw dae? It's mental, so it is. It's cos the wans oan the English telly ur aw fae England, and the wans oan the Scottish telly want folk tae hink thur fae England!

See if it wisnae fur Scotranslate, right- ah widnae be able tae make a wurd ae it oot, so ah widnae. It's pure genius how it works- if ye hear sumthin that wan ae thae English folk ur sayin', ye type it in an Scotranslate tells ye whit thur sayin', but it tells ye in Scottish, so it makes sense, so it does! It's guid tae if ye meet an English guy whin yur oot- ye dinnae huv tae try an make oot whit he's sayin', Scotranslate dis it fur ye! It's gonnae be pure guid fur whin ah go oan ma foreign hoalidays tae London an aw that efter 2014- it's a pure lifesaver!! It's guid tae when ma pals ur doon fae Dundee, Aberdeen an that, cos ye can make it tell ye whit folk ur sayin' in that funny wiy that folk fae Dundee, Aberdeen an that wid say it!!! It's magic, man- goat tae be wizurds that ur daein' it...

Ma pal Davie, right, he's a pure brainy guy, so he is- he wis tellin' me it's goat this hing on Scotranslate where ye cin vote oan hings it disnae ken, words an that. If three ither folk hink that whit you say it means is the right hing, it gits added tae Scotranslate!!!! If ye dae that a lot, Davie sez ye go up this mad league table hing that they've goat, like wi the fitba an that!!!!! Ah cannae dae it, cos like ah said, ah cannae unnerstaun English folk, but it's guid onywiy, cos Davie said it wis, an he's ma pal.

See if ye've no goat Scotranslate, right? Yur a dafty. An that's aw thur is tae it.

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